Thursday, September 22, 2005


I greatly admire of the work of a British photographer called Tony Ray-Jones. Tragically he died in 1972 at the age of thirty one from Leukaemia. Despite his tender years he still managed to cover a lot of ground photographically - even getting a scholarship to Yale University where he came into contact with the American photographer Joel Meyerowitz and from whom
Ray-Jones' later work would be influenced. Back in Britain he spent five years documenting
the English way of life through leisure and festival celebration - before we became too Americanised - a fear that seems to originate further and further back in time. Anyway, I think
there is plenty of scope for this work to continue and whilst I can't compare my work with the depth and breadth of Tony Ray-Jones' I hope that something of the flavour of Englishness comes through these few images.


Blogger Matt Jones said...

Absolutely Chris, the shots you've posted capture the essence of the English people & landscape. Ever photographed Wales? I'll post some shots I took in the slate mines last weekend on my blog.

6:04 AM  

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