Monday, October 31, 2005


This project started as a response to the government
inquiry which I had been attending during a period
of underemployment. I was new to the area and it seemed
like a good way to get to know the surrounding area. I managed
to acquire a copy of the government blueprint from the inquiry
and that became my map and brief.

All of the images in this series are either directly on , nearby or overlooking
one of the routes. The South Downs has for a long time been under attack
from developers. The pictures are not meant to convey a positive or negative
argument one way or the other since there are advantages and disadvantages
to Good planning. The problem is once something like this has been effected
there is no going back.....Take note Mr Prescott : the present is always
overestimated and the future underestimated.........


Blogger edhead said...

This one is amazing!!!!!!!!!

11:13 AM  

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