Wednesday, October 10, 2007


" On this plot of land stood in the middle ages part of the Provincial's Hall of the Dominican Priory of Blackfriars with the Dorter over.

When the Priory was dissolved in 1538 the parish church of St Ann Blackfriars was built on this site. This church was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 and not rebuilt. The parish was united with St. Andrew By-The-Wardrobe. The site thereafter was used as a churchyard alternately with the one in church entry.

It was closed in 1849. By arrangement with the Rector and Churchwardens the site has been maintained since 1964 by the Corporation of London. "

The Dorter was a bedroom. Ireland Yard, after the dissolution came into the hands of one William Ireland. It was his deed of conveyance that is recorded as having been transferred into the hands of an actor - William Shakespeare for the sum of £140....Although most certainly he never lived in the location, Ben Jonson is also known to have had a property here around 1607...

The Provincial's Hall would have been seen from Shakespeare's gatehouse property. Jonson's Every Man in his Humour is known to have been performed in the Blackfriars Theatre as was other writers' work. Shakespeare left the gatehouse to his daughter, Susannah in his will.


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